Love in Action Ministries wants to see us come together as a united church to seek the Holy Spirit and fire! We are asking God to spur all on to go deeper in their faith and for His presence to ignite our hearts for ministry to seek the lost.
Join us for this time of worship, prayer and a message from Evangelist and ordained minister, Chris Bassett.
Visit to find out more about Chris and her ministry.
A Call to Prayer!
Please pray for this upcoming event in accordance with this scripture of focus below.
Scripture of focus:
Isaiah 43:19-25 New International Version (NIV)
19 See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.
20 The wild animals honor me,
the jackals and the owls,
because I provide water in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland,
to give drink to my people, my chosen,
21 the people I formed for myself
that they may proclaim my praise.
22 “Yet you have not called on me, Jacob,
you have not wearied yourselves for[a] me, Israel.
23 You have not brought me sheep for burnt offerings,
nor honored me with your sacrifices.
I have not burdened you with grain offerings
nor wearied you with demands for incense.
24 You have not bought any fragrant calamus for me,
or lavished on me the fat of your sacrifices.
But you have burdened me with your sins
and wearied me with your offenses.
Come as you are, change as you come.