click on the title that you’re interested in, and the link will take you to the video
2.2.25 Great Expectations- Week 3
1.26.25 Great Expectations- Week 2
10.6.24 Remembering Your Identity & Purpose
9.22.24 Miracles Central- Mary Selzer
7.28.24 Holy Spirit Breath, Gifts & Fire- Week 9
7.21.24 Change Your Clothes- Lon Harris
7.14.24 Holy Spirit Breath, Gifts & Fire- Week 8
7.7.24 Holy Spirit Breath, Gifts & Fire- Week 7
6.30.24 Holy Spirit Breath, Gifts & Fire- Week 6
6.23.24 Holy Spirit Breath, Gifts & Fire- Week 5
6.9.24 I am Music. Rich & Lori Mclane
6.2.24 Holy Spirit Breath, Wind & Fire- Week 3
5.26.24 Holy Sprite Breath, Gifts & Fire- Week 2
5.19.24 Holy Spirit Breath, Gifts & Fire- Week 1
5.12.24 Happy Mother’s Day- Jennifer Theus
3.17.24 Philippias Week 10- Learning Contentment
3.10.24 Philippians Week 9- It’s All In Your Head
3.3.24 Philippians Week 8- Drown The Thief
2.25.24 Philippians Week 7- Heaven’s Our Home
2.18.24 Philippians Week 6- Your Shoes Matter
2.11.24 Philippians Week 5- Do You Know?
11.26.23 Rock of Israel Ministries
11.5.23 Guest Speaker Nard Pugyao
10.22.23 Experience God- Week 7
10.15.23 Experience God- Week 6
10.8.23 Experience God- Week 5
10.1.23 Experience God- Week 4
9.24.23 Experience God- Week 3
9.17.23 Experience God- Week 2
8.13.23 David & Autumn Covello
8.6.23 Gail Weathersby- His Hand
6.25.23 Everyone Needs a Deliverer
6.11.23 A Legend in His Own Mind
6.4.23 Perfecting My Purpose- Week 4
5.21.23 Life Challenge in the House
5.7.23 Perfecting My Purpose- Week 3
4.23.23 Perfecting My Purpose - Week 2
4.16.23 Perfecting My Purpose - Week 1
4.2.23 Right Way Wrong Way- Power
3.26.23 Right Way Wrong Way- Talking to Fools
3.19.23 Right Way Wrong Way- Anger
3.12.23 Right Way Wrong Way- Trust
3.5.23 Right Way Wrong Way- Fear
2.26.23 Missionaries Ryan and Amy Jacobs
2.12.23 The Five Love Languages
1.29.23 Perfecting Our Purpose- Week 4 Go
1.22.23 Perfecting Our Purpose- Week 3 Glorify
1.15.23 Perfecting Our Purpose- Week 2 Grow
1.8.23 Perfecting Our Purpose- Week 1 Gather
1.1.23 It’s the Most You Could Do
12.25.22 The Gift That Keeps on Giving
12.11.22 Do You See What I See?
12.4.22 Kingdom Builders Week 4
11.27.22 Kingdom Builders Week 3
11.20.22 Kingdom Builders Week 2- Pastor Adam
11.13.22 Kingdom Builders Week 1- I am Not Going to Get Up Today
10.30.22 The Holy Spirit According to John
10.23.22 The Good, The Bad, and The Perfect Will of God
10.9.22 Don’t Be a Demas (2/2)
10.9.22 Don’t Be a Demas (1/2)
9.25.22 Overlooked and Underused
9.18.22 Getting Ahead of the Enemy
8.7.22 Missionaries to Hungary- Bill and Melissa Chappel
5.29.22 A New Regime- Kingdom of Hope
5.22.22 Pastor Adam- Be the Church
5.15.22 A New Regime- Final Instructions
5.1.22 Rev. Mary Selzer- The Relevance of God’s Word
4.24.22 Kurt Holthus- Hope International Ministries
4.17.22 A New Regime- A Risen King
4.10.22 A New Regime- A King is Coming
4.3.22 A New Regime- Death in the Kingdom
3.27.22 A New Regime- Secrets Revealed
3.20.22 Rebuilding a Broken Culture - Pastor Ricardo Arredondo
3.13.22 A New Regime- A United Kingdom
3.6.22 A New Regime- Rest in the Kingdom
2.27.22 A New Regime- Miracle Worker
2.20.22 A New Regime- Who’s Judge
2.13.22 A New Regime- The King Supplies
2.6.22 A New Regime- Prayer & Fasting
1.30.22 A New Regime- Social Justice
1.23.22 A New Regime- Transformation
1.16.22 A New Regime- The King’s Decree
1.9.22 A New Regime- The Recruits
1.2.22 Loving the Church Like Christ- Pastor Leah
12.26.21 A New Regime- The Preparation
12.19.21 A New Regime- A King is Born
12.12.21 The Road to R.E.C.O.V.E.R.Y Week 2
12.5.21 The Road to R.E.C.O.V.E.R.Y Week 1
11.28.21 Keep Christ in Christmas
11.14.21 The Big Ten- Be Content
11.7.21 The Big Ten- Love Truth
10.31.21 The Big Ten- Trust God
10.24.21 The Big Ten- Mates for Life
10.17.21 The Big Ten- Love Life
10.10.21 The Big Ten- Honor Mom & Dad
10.3.21 The Big Ten- Rest is Best
9.26.21 Missionary to Nicaragua- Ken Doutt
9.19.21 The Big Ten- Week Three- Say His Name
9.12.21 The Big Ten-Week Two- Who’s Your God?
9.5.21 The Big Ten- Week One- Why Rules?
8.15.21 Are You a Mary or a Martha?
7.25.21 Fill Your Emotional Tank- John Opalewski
7.4.21 Beware! Freedom of Speech
6.27.21 Discouragement…the Rest of the Story
6.20.21 Weak Vs. Strong- Romans Week 9 Final Instructions
6.13.21 Our Civic Duty- Romans Week 8
6.6.21 What Do I Do?- Romans Week 7
5.30.21 True Sacrifice Transforms- Romans Week 6
5.23.21 Immersed in the Holy Spirit- Romans Week 5
5.9.21 Helping Our Kids Stand - Romans Week 3
5.2.21 Foundations -Romans Week 2
4.18.21 Unashamed - Romans Week 1
4.11.21 God’s Supply and Demand
4.2.21 Who is Jesus? - Lamb of God
3.28.21 Who is Jesus? - Deliverer
3.7.21 Building Your Faith- Overcoming Fear
2.28.21 Fistful of Dynamite Week 2 (Pastor Joe)
2.21.21 Fistful of Dynamite (Pastor Joe)
2.14.21 Let’s Rebuild - Week 4 Serve Hear Respond (Pastor Joe)
2.7.21 Where Do You Stand (Kenny Peshl)
2.3.21 Celebration of Life (Funeral) Service for Pastor Lou
1.31.21 Are You a Fan or a Follower (Pastor Adam)
1.24.21 Let’s Rebuild - Week 3 Break it Off (Pastor Joe)
1.17.21 Let’s Rebuild Our Nation - Week 2 (Pastor Joe)
1.10.21 Let’s Rebuild - Week 1 (Pastor Joe)
1.3.21 Keep Pushing (Pastor Joe)
12.27.20 When Life Disappoints (Pastor Adam)
12.20.20 God With Us (Worship)
12.13.20 Healing for the Holidays (Pastor Joe)
12.6.20 - Take the Mark (Pastor Joe)
11.29.20 - Certainty in Uncertain Times - Back to Basics - Isaiah 41:10 (Steve Morisette) Part 2
11.29.20 - Certainty in Uncertain Times - Back to Basics - Isaiah 41:10 (Steve Morisette) Part 1
11.22.20 - Count Your Blessings (Pastor Joe)
11.8.20 - Break My Pride (Pastor Joe)
11.1.20 - The Word is Alive (Pastor Joe)
10.25.20 - Coming Soon Part 2 Hope Ensured (Pastor Joe)
10.18.20 - Coming Soon Part 1 (Pastor Joe)
10.11.20 PM - Night of Worship and Prayer (11th Hour and Rev David Diehl)
10.11.20 - One People Under God (Pastor Joe)
10.4.20 - Becoming Strong Christians (Dr Louis Selzer aka Pastor Lou)
10.2.20 - Knowing the Bridegroom (Rev Mary Selzer)
9.27.20 - A Letter From God (Pastor Joe)
9.20.20 PM - A Moment With the Master (Evangelist Ken Pounders)
9.20.20 - The Line on Devotion (Pastor Joe)
9.13.20 PM - Night of Worship and Prayer (Theo and Melissa Tucker)
9.13.20 - The Line on Relationships (Pastor Joe)
9.6.20 - Stop Relying on Your Filter (Pastor Adam)
8.30.20 - The Line on Salvation (Pastor Joe)
8.23.20 - The Line on Drugs and Alcohol (Pastor Joe)
8.16.20 - The Line on Restricted (Pastor Joe)
8.9.20 - The Line (Pastor Joe)
8.4.20 - The Church - Bonds of Love (Legos with Grayland)
8.2.20 - Good News (Pastor Joe)
7.26.20 - Power for Living in Uncertain Times (Life Challenge & Jeff Bonzelaar)
7.19.20 - Are You Adrift (Pastor Joe)
7.12.20 - Wait For Strength (Pastor Joe)
7.5.20 - The Blood is Thicker (Pastor Joe)
6.28.20 - Let’s Pray (Pastor Joe)
6.21.20 - Be the Boss (Pastor Joe)
6.14.20 - Moving Forward Week 4 - Preparing the Next Generation (Pastor Joe)
6.7.20 - Finding Your Why (Pastor Adam)
5.31.20 - It’s Pentecost (Facebook) (Tim Enloe) It’s Pentecost (YouTube)
5.24.20 - Moving Forward Week 3 - Trust & Obey (Facebook) (Pastor Joe) Moving Forward - Trust & Obey (YouTube)
5.17.20 - Moving Forward Week 2 - Don’t Look Back (Facebook) (Pastor Joe) Moving Forward Week 2 (YouTube)
5.10.20 - Wonderful Women (Facebook) (Pastor Joe) Wonderful Women (YouTube)
5.3.20 - Moving Forward Week 1 - Moving Past Fear - (Facebook) (Pastor Joe) Moving Forward (YouTube)
4.26.20 - Greater Than (Facebook) (Pastor Joe) Greater Than (YouTube)
Nuggets @ Noon Devotionals
6.5.20 - Jennifer Theus - Getting Real
6.3.20 - Faith Mark - Are You Motivated by Love?
6.2.20 - Pastor Adam - Don’t Get Sidetracked
6.1.20 - Pastor Joe - Bad Company Corrupts Good Character
5.29.20 - Paul Sheppard - Affecting Our Culture…Wisely
5.28.20 - Pastor Joe - Too Much of a Good Thing
5.27.20 - Jennifer Theus - If You Would Just Listen, You Might Learn Something
5.25.20 - Pastor Joe - The Price of Freedom
5.22.20 - Gwen Davenport - Are you BORED? You Are Blessed!
5.21.20 - Grayland Bembry - Counterfeit
5.20.20 - Faith Mark - The Benefits of Humility
5.19.20 - Kaitlyn Divozzo - Waiting on God
5.18.20 - Linda Kelly - Taste and See That the Lord is Good
5.15.20 - Pastor Adam - Can’t We All Just Get Along?
5.14.20 - Mona Sloan - Where is Your Focus?
5.13.20 - Brandon Thomas - Control
5.12.20 - Jennifer Theus - D.I.Y. Do it Your Way or Yahweh?
5.11.20 - Makyah Theus - Worship
5.8.20 - Grayland Bembry - Today I Saw a Miracle
5.7.20 - Paul and Katie Divozzo - Scripture Over Worry
5.6.20 - Nancy LaRocque - Persistence in Prayer
5.5.20 - Daniel Otu - Victory is Ours
5.4.20 - Pastor Joe - May the Force Be With You
5.1.20 - Mary Selzer - Lasting Effects
4.30.20 - Clarence and Linda Duren - Marriage God’s Way
4.29.20 - Faith Mark - Faith Over Fear
4.28.20 - Margie Haloostock - Peace Like a River
4.27.20 - Leah Scalf - After Hiding
4.24.20 - Pastor Lou - Our Desert Experience
4.23.20 - Steve Morisette - Stockpile God’s Word
4.22.20 - Pastor Adam - Be Prepared
4.21.20 - Jennifer Theus - Identity Theft
4.20.20 - Pastor Joe - Gold Nuggets
4.19.20 - You’re Not Useless (Facebook) (Pastor Joe) You’re Not Useless (YouTube)
4.12.20 - There is Still Hope (Facebook) (Pastor Joe) There is Still Hope (YouTube)
4.5.20 - Good Stew (Facebook) (Pastor Joe) Good Stew (YouTube)
Dangerous Prayers Devotionals
4.2.20 - Day 4 - “Reveal My Fears”
3.31.20 - Day 2 - “Your Will Be Done”
3.30.20 - Day 1 - Lame Prayers