A Healthy Family of Diversity
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click on the title that you’re interested in, and the link will take you to the video

2.2.25 Great Expectations- Week 3

1.26.25 Great Expectations- Week 2

1.19.25 Great Expectations

1.12.25 Every Day-Week 3

1.5.25 Every Day-Week 2

12.29.24 Every Day-Week 1

12.15.24 God Rules-Week 7

12.8.24 God Rules- Week 6

12.1.24 Worship

11.24.24 God Rules- Week 5

11.17.24 God Rules- Week 4

11.10.24 God Rules- Week 3

11.3.24 God Rules- Week 2

10.27.24 God Rules- Week 1

10.20.24 Who Is God? Week 6

10.13.24 Pastor Adam

10.6.24 Remembering Your Identity & Purpose

9.29.24 Who Is God? Week 5

9.22.24 Miracles Central- Mary Selzer

9.15.24 Who is God? - Week 4

9.8.24 Who is God? - Week 3

9.1.24 Who is God? - Week 2

8.25.24 Who is God? - Week 1

8.4.24 Bill Jeynes

7.28.24 Holy Spirit Breath, Gifts & Fire- Week 9

7.21.24 Change Your Clothes- Lon Harris

7.14.24 Holy Spirit Breath, Gifts & Fire- Week 8

7.7.24 Holy Spirit Breath, Gifts & Fire- Week 7

6.30.24 Holy Spirit Breath, Gifts & Fire- Week 6

6.23.24 Holy Spirit Breath, Gifts & Fire- Week 5

6.9.24 I am Music. Rich & Lori Mclane

6.2.24 Holy Spirit Breath, Wind & Fire- Week 3

5.26.24 Holy Sprite Breath, Gifts & Fire- Week 2

5.19.24 Holy Spirit Breath, Gifts & Fire- Week 1

5.12.24 Happy Mother’s Day- Jennifer Theus

5.5.24 Stacking the Odds

4.21.24 Adam Bell

4.14.24 Suit Up

4.7.24 No Surprises Here

3.31.24 What’s Inside

3.24.24 The King we need

3.17.24 Philippias Week 10- Learning Contentment

3.10.24 Philippians Week 9- It’s All In Your Head

3.3.24 Philippians Week 8- Drown The Thief

2.25.24 Philippians Week 7- Heaven’s Our Home

2.18.24 Philippians Week 6- Your Shoes Matter

2.11.24 Philippians Week 5- Do You Know?

2.4.24 Missions Sunday

1.28.24 Philippians Week 4

1.21.24 Philippians Week 3

1.14.24 Philippians Week 2

1.7.24 Philippians Week 1

12.31.23 Finishing Well

12.24.23 Born For This

12.17.23 Getting Ready week 3

12.10.23 Getting Ready Week 2

12.3.23 Getting Ready Week 1

11.26.23 Rock of Israel Ministries

11.19.23 True Believer Part 2

11.12.23 True Believer

11.5.23 Guest Speaker Nard Pugyao

10.29.23 Why Evil?

10.22.23 Experience God- Week 7

10.15.23 Experience God- Week 6

10.8.23 Experience God- Week 5

10.1.23 Experience God- Week 4

9.24.23 Experience God- Week 3

9.17.23 Experience God- Week 2

8.20.23 Imago Dei- Week 3

8.13.23 David & Autumn Covello

8.6.23 Gail Weathersby- His Hand

7.30.23 Christian Trinity

7.23.23 Imago Dei- Week 2

7.16.23 ImagoDei

7.9.23 Pastor Adam

7.2.23 Grayland Bembry

6.25.23 Everyone Needs a Deliverer

6.11.23 A Legend in His Own Mind

6.4.23 Perfecting My Purpose- Week 4

5.28.23 An Invisible Memorial

5.21.23 Life Challenge in the House

5.14.23 A Mother’s Love

5.7.23 Perfecting My Purpose- Week 3

4.23.23 Perfecting My Purpose - Week 2

4.16.23 Perfecting My Purpose - Week 1

4.9.23 Mission Accomplished

4.2.23 Right Way Wrong Way- Power

4.2.23 Worship

3.26.23 Right Way Wrong Way- Talking to Fools

3.19.23 Right Way Wrong Way- Anger

3.12.23 Right Way Wrong Way- Trust

3.5.23 Right Way Wrong Way- Fear

2.26.23 Missionaries Ryan and Amy Jacobs

2.19.23 One Life Matters

2.12.23 The Five Love Languages

2.5.23 He Gets Us

1.29.23 Perfecting Our Purpose- Week 4 Go

1.22.23 Perfecting Our Purpose- Week 3 Glorify

1.15.23 Perfecting Our Purpose- Week 2 Grow

1.8.23 Perfecting Our Purpose- Week 1 Gather

1.1.23 It’s the Most You Could Do

12.25.22 The Gift That Keeps on Giving

12.18.22 Prepare Him Room

12.11.22 Do You See What I See?

12.4.22 Kingdom Builders Week 4

11.27.22 Kingdom Builders Week 3

11.20.22 Kingdom Builders Week 2- Pastor Adam

11.13.22 Kingdom Builders Week 1- I am Not Going to Get Up Today

11.6.22 FLEE

10.30.22 The Holy Spirit According to John

10.23.22 The Good, The Bad, and The Perfect Will of God

10.16.22 The Bait of Satan

10.9.22 Don’t Be a Demas (2/2)

10.9.22 Don’t Be a Demas (1/2)

10.2.22 Pastor Daniel Otu

9.25.22 Overlooked and Underused

9.18.22 Getting Ahead of the Enemy

9.11.22 Rough Road Ahead

9.4.22 A Walk to Remember

8.28.22 Narrow is the Mind

8.21.22 Wrestling Successes

8.14.22 Serving God…My Way

8.7.22 Missionaries to Hungary- Bill and Melissa Chappel

7.31.22 Worship

7.24.22 We are CT-Week 3

7.17.22 We are CT-Week 2

7.10.22 We are CT- Week 1

7.3.22 The Road to Freedom

6.26.22 Dr. Bill Jeynes

6.19.22 Wrong Rep

6.12.22 Distractions

6.5.22 His Spirit Our Helper

5.29.22 A New Regime- Kingdom of Hope

5.22.22 Pastor Adam- Be the Church

5.15.22 A New Regime- Final Instructions

5.8.22 You Got Mommed

5.1.22 Rev. Mary Selzer- The Relevance of God’s Word

4.24.22 Kurt Holthus- Hope International Ministries

4.17.22 A New Regime- A Risen King

4.10.22 A New Regime- A King is Coming

4.3.22 A New Regime- Death in the Kingdom

3.27.22 A New Regime- Secrets Revealed

3.20.22 Rebuilding a Broken Culture - Pastor Ricardo Arredondo

3.13.22 A New Regime- A United Kingdom

3.6.22 A New Regime- Rest in the Kingdom

2.27.22 A New Regime- Miracle Worker

2.20.22 A New Regime- Who’s Judge

2.13.22 A New Regime- The King Supplies

2.6.22 A New Regime- Prayer & Fasting

1.30.22 A New Regime- Social Justice

1.23.22 A New Regime- Transformation

1.16.22 A New Regime- The King’s Decree

1.9.22 A New Regime- The Recruits

1.2.22 Loving the Church Like Christ- Pastor Leah

12.26.21 A New Regime- The Preparation

12.19.21 A New Regime- A King is Born

12.12.21 The Road to R.E.C.O.V.E.R.Y Week 2

12.5.21 The Road to R.E.C.O.V.E.R.Y Week 1

11.28.21 Keep Christ in Christmas

11.21.21 Shine Like Stars

11.14.21 The Big Ten- Be Content

11.7.21 The Big Ten- Love Truth

10.31.21 The Big Ten- Trust God

10.24.21 The Big Ten- Mates for Life

10.17.21 The Big Ten- Love Life

10.10.21 The Big Ten- Honor Mom & Dad

10.3.21 The Big Ten- Rest is Best

9.26.21 Missionary to Nicaragua- Ken Doutt

9.19.21 The Big Ten- Week Three- Say His Name

9.12.21 The Big Ten-Week Two- Who’s Your God?

9.5.21 The Big Ten- Week One- Why Rules?

8.29.21 Ask Seek Knock

8.22.21 Pull Your Weight

8.15.21 Are You a Mary or a Martha?

8.8.21 It’s Not Snack Time!

8.1.21 Doer of the Word

7.25.21 Fill Your Emotional Tank- John Opalewski

7.11.21 Bringing Back Hope

7.4.21 Beware! Freedom of Speech

6.27.21 Discouragement…the Rest of the Story

6.20.21 Weak Vs. Strong- Romans Week 9 Final Instructions

6.13.21 Our Civic Duty- Romans Week 8

6.6.21 What Do I Do?- Romans Week 7

5.30.21 True Sacrifice Transforms- Romans Week 6

5.23.21 Immersed in the Holy Spirit- Romans Week 5

5.9.21 Helping Our Kids Stand - Romans Week 3

5.2.21 Foundations -Romans Week 2

4.25.21 Response vs. Reaction

4.18.21 Unashamed - Romans Week 1

4.11.21 God’s Supply and Demand

4.4.21 Who is Jesus? - Victor

4.2.21 Who is Jesus? - Lamb of God

3.28.21 Who is Jesus? - Deliverer

3.7.21 Building Your Faith- Overcoming Fear

2.28.21 Fistful of Dynamite Week 2 (Pastor Joe)

2.21.21 Fistful of Dynamite (Pastor Joe)

2.14.21 Let’s Rebuild - Week 4 Serve Hear Respond (Pastor Joe)

2.7.21 Where Do You Stand (Kenny Peshl)

2.3.21 Celebration of Life (Funeral) Service for Pastor Lou

1.31.21 Are You a Fan or a Follower (Pastor Adam)

1.24.21 Let’s Rebuild - Week 3 Break it Off (Pastor Joe)

1.17.21 Let’s Rebuild Our Nation - Week 2 (Pastor Joe)

1.10.21 Let’s Rebuild - Week 1 (Pastor Joe)

1.3.21 Keep Pushing (Pastor Joe)

12.27.20 When Life Disappoints (Pastor Adam)

12.20.20 God With Us (Worship)

12.13.20 Healing for the Holidays (Pastor Joe)

12.6.20 - Take the Mark (Pastor Joe)

11.29.20 - Certainty in Uncertain Times - Back to Basics - Isaiah 41:10 (Steve Morisette) Part 2

11.29.20 - Certainty in Uncertain Times - Back to Basics - Isaiah 41:10 (Steve Morisette) Part 1

11.22.20 - Count Your Blessings (Pastor Joe)

11.15.20 - Stuck (Pastor Joe)

11.8.20 - Break My Pride (Pastor Joe)

11.1.20 - The Word is Alive (Pastor Joe)

10.25.20 - Coming Soon Part 2 Hope Ensured (Pastor Joe)

10.18.20 - Coming Soon Part 1 (Pastor Joe)

10.11.20 PM - Night of Worship and Prayer (11th Hour and Rev David Diehl)

10.11.20 - One People Under God (Pastor Joe)

10.4.20 - Becoming Strong Christians (Dr Louis Selzer aka Pastor Lou)

10.2.20 - Knowing the Bridegroom (Rev Mary Selzer)

9.27.20 - A Letter From God (Pastor Joe)

9.20.20 PM - A Moment With the Master (Evangelist Ken Pounders)

9.20.20 - The Line on Devotion (Pastor Joe)

9.13.20 PM - Night of Worship and Prayer (Theo and Melissa Tucker)

9.13.20 - The Line on Relationships (Pastor Joe)

9.6.20 - Stop Relying on Your Filter (Pastor Adam)

8.30.20 - The Line on Salvation (Pastor Joe)

8.23.20 - The Line on Drugs and Alcohol (Pastor Joe)

8.16.20 - The Line on Restricted (Pastor Joe)

8.9.20 - The Line (Pastor Joe)

8.4.20 - The Church - Bonds of Love (Legos with Grayland)

8.2.20 - Good News (Pastor Joe)

7.26.20 - Power for Living in Uncertain Times (Life Challenge & Jeff Bonzelaar)

7.19.20 - Are You Adrift (Pastor Joe)

7.12.20 - Wait For Strength (Pastor Joe)

7.5.20 - The Blood is Thicker (Pastor Joe)

6.28.20 - Let’s Pray (Pastor Joe)

6.21.20 - Be the Boss (Pastor Joe)

6.14.20 - Moving Forward Week 4 - Preparing the Next Generation (Pastor Joe)

6.7.20 - Finding Your Why (Pastor Adam)

5.31.20 - It’s Pentecost (Facebook) (Tim Enloe) It’s Pentecost (YouTube)

5.24.20 - Moving Forward Week 3 - Trust & Obey (Facebook) (Pastor Joe) Moving Forward - Trust & Obey (YouTube)

5.17.20 - Moving Forward Week 2 - Don’t Look Back (Facebook) (Pastor Joe) Moving Forward Week 2 (YouTube)

5.10.20 - Wonderful Women (Facebook) (Pastor Joe) Wonderful Women (YouTube)

5.3.20 - Moving Forward Week 1 - Moving Past Fear - (Facebook) (Pastor Joe) Moving Forward (YouTube)

4.26.20 - Greater Than (Facebook) (Pastor Joe) Greater Than (YouTube)

Nuggets @ Noon Devotionals

6.5.20 - Jennifer Theus - Getting Real

6.3.20 - Faith Mark - Are You Motivated by Love?

6.2.20 - Pastor Adam - Don’t Get Sidetracked

6.1.20 - Pastor Joe - Bad Company Corrupts Good Character

5.29.20 - Paul Sheppard - Affecting Our Culture…Wisely

5.28.20 - Pastor Joe - Too Much of a Good Thing

5.27.20 - Jennifer Theus - If You Would Just Listen, You Might Learn Something

5.25.20 - Pastor Joe - The Price of Freedom

5.22.20 - Gwen Davenport - Are you BORED? You Are Blessed!

5.21.20 - Grayland Bembry - Counterfeit

5.20.20 - Faith Mark - The Benefits of Humility

5.19.20 - Kaitlyn Divozzo - Waiting on God

5.18.20 - Linda Kelly - Taste and See That the Lord is Good

5.15.20 - Pastor Adam - Can’t We All Just Get Along?

5.14.20 - Mona Sloan - Where is Your Focus?

5.13.20 - Brandon Thomas - Control

5.12.20 - Jennifer Theus - D.I.Y. Do it Your Way or Yahweh?

5.11.20 - Makyah Theus - Worship

5.8.20 - Grayland Bembry - Today I Saw a Miracle

5.7.20 - Paul and Katie Divozzo - Scripture Over Worry

5.6.20 - Nancy LaRocque - Persistence in Prayer

5.5.20 - Daniel Otu - Victory is Ours

5.4.20 - Pastor Joe - May the Force Be With You

5.1.20 - Mary Selzer - Lasting Effects

4.30.20 - Clarence and Linda Duren - Marriage God’s Way

4.29.20 - Faith Mark - Faith Over Fear

4.28.20 - Margie Haloostock - Peace Like a River

4.27.20 - Leah Scalf - After Hiding

4.24.20 - Pastor Lou - Our Desert Experience

4.23.20 - Steve Morisette - Stockpile God’s Word

4.22.20 - Pastor Adam - Be Prepared

4.21.20 - Jennifer Theus - Identity Theft

4.20.20 - Pastor Joe - Gold Nuggets

4.19.20 - You’re Not Useless (Facebook) (Pastor Joe) You’re Not Useless (YouTube)

4.12.20 - There is Still Hope (Facebook) (Pastor Joe) There is Still Hope (YouTube)

4.5.20 - Good Stew (Facebook) (Pastor Joe)  Good Stew (YouTube)

Dangerous Prayers Devotionals

4.6.20 - Day 7 - “Disturb Me”

4.4.20 - Day 6 - “Send Me”

4.3.20 - Day 5 - “Break Me”

4.2.20 - Day 4 - “Reveal My Fears”

4.1.20 - Day 3 - “Search Me”

3.31.20 - Day 2 - “Your Will Be Done”

3.30.20 - Day 1 - Lame Prayers

3.29.20 The War Within (Pastor Joe)

3.29.20 The Theus Family Worship